Cheers to 4 Years

Cheers to 4 Years

4 years ago I took a leap of faith, walked away from all I knew and decided it was time to choose ME. I was pretty quiet about it at the time and the truth is I wasn’t overly public about it, because I was scared. Scared people would judge me, some did. Scared I’d be ridiculed and told I couldn’t do it, I was. More than anything, I was scared I wouldn’t be able to make it work, and the doubters would be right, but here I am making it work, one hot second at a time! While it’d be a lie to say its been easy, or that I have it all figured out, I CAN say the naysayers were wrong!

I’m proud to say I’ve grown and helped others grow, and my work is nowhere near done! I’ve led amazing fundraisers, connected with beautiful souls and created countless custom pieces that have helped heal hurting hearts. I founded and co-hosted an incredible event here in #yqr - the @bossbabegala and I’ve learned to believe in myself and to continue working towards my goals even when I want to quit. The thing with time is, it passes anyway, so why not use it pursuing that which sets your soul on fire? Why not set out in the direction of your dreams even if it takes years to get there? Time is passing anyway, use it wisely.

I may not know exactly where I’m going, but I know I’m on the right path. I fully trust the rest will work itself out as long as I continue to show up, put in the time and stay dedicated. I didn’t become my own boss to conform to societal expectations. I became my own boss so I could do things my way, make the world a better place and pursue my passions. I may have to pivot along the way, but I now know I am able. I know I am worthy and, despite the time it takes, I can do this. Every day I don’t give up is a step in the right direction. Every day I do the work, is a day I get to follow my dreams. Why would I quit on myself when I can choose to believe in myself?

As I reflect on the last 4 years, I’m hit with the knowing that I will never give up. I’ll never quit chasing my dreams and I’ll never stop trying to make the world a better place. I will continue to grow and continue to help others do the same.

I CAN and I WILL do hard things.
Here’s to #5 🙏🏻✨💚🥂🎉Happy

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