I’m about to let you in on a little secret! Settle in, it’s a long one!
In an effort to honour my truth, I’ll be sharing some of the changes you can expect here and how they came to be. First though, I need to tell you how much fun I’ve been having getting back into the creative mode. It’s reminded me of what I really love and I can hardly wait for all the designs rolling around in my head to take shape. If my intuition is right, these are the pieces you’ve been waiting for too ✨
Being cozied up in my little studio, often following a quick solo dance party, is truly the best part of what I do. Being able to take time to play, time to tap into my inner child and allowing myself to create - there’s nothing else quite like it. That‘s the whole reason I started this entire journey, and up until recently I’d lost sight of that. As I approach my 4th anniversary working from home, I am first met with disappointment that I’m not further along. Luckily, I’ve been doing the inner work and trust quickly followed the disappointment. I know now that my journey is my own, I need not compare my journey to others. I must focus on me and living my truth.
And now for the part I’m dreading 🤢 I’ve debated whether or not I should share this with you, but you deserve my honesty and integrity so here goes! The honest, ugly truth is that up until recently, I was so focused on growing/creating a business that supported me financially, I completely lost sight of the things that made me happy. There, I said it! Don’t get me wrong, I THOUGHT I was doing everything right, I thought it felt good, I thought it would assure me success and stability. I thought rebranding, and having a strong IG game, along with professional photos and perfectly timed new releases, I thought it meant success. And while those things are important, they are irrelevant if the basis of your desires is off. So I scrapped what I knew; what was working, and decided to take on more than I was ready for before I was ready for it. And it wasn’t until things got really hard that I realized, I was way out of alignment.
Though I was trying, I was not serving from an authentic space; I was not creating from an aligned and happy heart space. I was operating out of necessity and this necessity was conceived out of insecurity and self-doubt. I hadn’t seen anyone else make a successful and lucrative business out of unique, small-batch jewelry, so I subconsciously decided it was not possible for me. And so the cycle began, “I must fit into the mould, I must do XYZ because that’s what works. It’s working for so and so, it’ll work for me.” And I’m here to tell you I had it all wrong. I set my desires and needs aside, led with hard work and tenacity, but it was all misguided.
The bigger, uglier truth is that I likely wouldn’t have realized this if sales hadn’t slowed right down, if the Universe hadn’t placed me in a position to slow down and listen, to question my incentives, I don’t know if I’d have noticed. The Universe was trying to tell me that I was safe to do what I love, but I was too wrapped up in lack and scarcity to realize this.
Now looking back, after learning and growing, it’s neat to recognize that the pieces I didn’t love creating are the slowest to sell, and the pieces I love creating always sell out! Go figure!! Going forward my focus will be on custom orders and unique, small-batch designs. Along side this change, I’ll also be focusing more on Angel Card Readings and eventually I hope to find a few courses on Singing Bowls. The goal is to have a well rounded product and service based business. A safe space for you to come as you are, to experience love and empowerment in whatever form feels good to you - jewelry or otherwise!
This transition will be slow and gradual, as I’m allowing my intuition to guide me and continuing to operate from a genuine heart space. I will focus on being happy, and creating from that space first. If you’re still with me, thank you. Thank you for following along on my journey, for your love and constant support, your well wishes and encouraging messages. You are all a part of my dream, and I know I say it all the time, but it’s so true. You are the team that makes the dream work, your love and support is fire to my soul and I’m so grateful you’ve stuck around long enough to get me to this point. I hope you stay and continue watching this journey unfold, we’re just getting started and I’m all kinds of excited 🙏🏻🔥